Get together of the thermoplastic composites community at ITHEC 2022

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Finally live again! After four long years and a successful virtual edition in 2020, the 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Thermoplastic Composites again gathered experts from industry and research in Bremen during 12-13 October.

Antefil was of course present as well: our team co-exhibited alongside our alma mater, the Laboratory of Composite Materials and Adaptive Structures of ETH Zurich – and their latest student project FiberFusion. Besides the joyous reunions at the exhibit, the conference talks also proved a visitor favourite with many interesting contributions. Not least by our very own co-founder Christoph Schneeberger, who presented the combined advantages of our proprietary hybrid fibre solution for rapid and low-pressure production of complex shaped lightweight structures. Contact us if you’d like to learn more!

If you’ve attended the event live or virtually, keep in mind that all proceedings, presentation slides and even video recordings are either already available on the digital platform or will be uploaded soon. For anyone who missed this year’s edition of ITHEC, the organizers are offering late access tickets to the digital platform with all content made available via

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